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Inky Gifts

45 Results
If you want a gift for a fountain pen user, but you don’t want to buy them another pen, why not some ink? Bottled ink can be both beautiful and practical, and a bottle lasts a long time, making it a gift that lasts, and one they’ll remember often as they fill their pen. We’ve put together a selection of our favourites here - special inks, and sets, that people love.
Cult Pens Platinum Jubilee Ink by Diamine 50ml by Diamine at Cult Pens
Diamine 150th Anniversary Ink Bottle by Diamine at Cult Pens
Special edition inks in special bottles
Diamine Ink 12ml Set of 16 by Diamine at Cult Pens
Set of all Cult Pens 16th birthday inks
Robert Oster Holiday Season Limited Edition Ink by Robert Oster at Cult Pens
Limited edition Christmassy inks from Down Under
The Well-Appointed Desk Col-o-ring Ink Testing Book by Well-Appointed Desk at Cult Pens
Perfect for testing new inks
KWZ Sheen Machine Ink 60ml by KWZ at Cult Pens
Montblanc Ink Bottle 60ml by Montblanc at Cult Pens
Superb quality Montblanc ink
Laban Greek Mythology 50ml Ink by Laban at Cult Pens
Sailor Manyo Bottled Ink by Sailor at Cult Pens
Jacques Herbin 1798 Inks Collection by Herbin at Cult Pens
Stunning collection of commemorative inks
Visconti Travelling Inkwell Black by Visconti at Cult Pens
Unique portable ink reservoir suitable for refilling many fountain pens
Diamine Music Collection Ink Bottle Set by Diamine at Cult Pens
Special collection of exclusive ink colours
Graf von Faber-Castell Luxury Bottled Ink by Graf von Faber-Castell at Cult Pens
Luxury bottled ink collection for fountain pens
Wearingeul Jekyll to Hyde Ink Package by Wearingeul at Cult Pens
Herbin 30ml "D" Bottled Scented Ink by Herbin at Cult Pens
Fruit-, flower- and food-scented inks
Diamine Flowers Collection Ink Bottle Set by Diamine at Cult Pens
Special edition of exclusive ink colours
Vinta Shimmer Bottled Ink 30ml by Vinta at Cult Pens
Shimmering ink from the Philippines
Schneider Ink Gift Set 15ml Set 1 by Schneider at Cult Pens
De Atramentis Happy Holiday Ink by De Atramentis at Cult Pens
Montegrappa Harry Potter Bottled Fountain Pen Ink 50ml by Montegrappa at Cult Pens
Harry Potter themed ink!
Vinta Capsule Collection Set of 3 Vintage by Vinta at Cult Pens
Schneider Ink Gift Set 15ml Set 2 by Schneider at Cult Pens
1 in stock
Colorverse Multiverse 5ml Ink Set of 3 by Colorverse at Cult Pens
Colorverse Spaceward 5ml Ink Set of 3 by Colorverse at Cult Pens
Cult Pens Iridescink by Diamine Assorted Set of 4 80ml by Diamine at Cult Pens
Stunning iridescent ink
Cult Pens Iridescink by Diamine Assorted Set of 4 30ml by Diamine at Cult Pens
Stunning iridescent ink
Cult Pens Exclusive Pumpkin Shimmer Ink by Diamine 50ml by Diamine at Cult Pens
Cult Pens Exclusive Bottled Ink by Dominant Industry Limited Edition 25ml by Dominant Industry at Cult Pens
Robert Oster Limited Edition Seasonal Ink Set by Robert Oster at Cult Pens
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Tom's Studio The Tilt Brass Ink Pot Holder by Tom's Studio at Cult Pens
Vinta Bottled Ink 30ml The Awareness Collection by Vinta at Cult Pens
Vinta 2023 Manila Pen Show Commemorative Fountain Pen Ink 30ml Lilac Dawn [Simulan 2015] by Vinta at Cult Pens
Sold Out
Limited edition Christmassy inks from Down Under

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