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Sometimes our pens need cleaning, so we have cleaning fluids that can help to get ink out of fountain pens, or polish plastic pens to a bright shine. Plain tap water will usually get a fountain pen quite clean enough, so you don’t need these, but they might make cleaning a bit easier, or help with a more stubborn pen, making life just a tiny bit easier.
But sometimes it’s our pens and pencils that make the mess. So we have cleaning products for getting ink stains out of other things (yes, including your fingers), and little cleaners to get rid of eraser droppings. And even a cleaner that makes permanent marker stains a little less permanent.
But if you don’t have ink-stained fingers, how will people know of your love for fountain pens? Well, you could tell them. But you could also just leave the stains - it’s ok, we have ink stains on our fingers too.