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What Do You Say In A Thank You Card? - Tree of Hearts

A guest blog from our friends at Tree of Hearts

'Dear Auntie Mabel, thank you for coming to our wedding. It was very kind and we liked your present. Lots of love.' NO! No, no, no! That's a thank you, to be sure, but it's a bit... well... uninspiring, to say the least and a bit of a [insert name here] sort of thing. Auntie Mabel may be a long distant relative who might not know you from a bar of soap, and she may have given you the sort of present that is likely to languish undisturbed in a dark corner of the understairs cupboard until your golden wedding anniversary, but she made the effort to celebrate your day. She deserves a little more thought when it comes to thanks, doesn't she?

But it's a bit daunting, isn't it? Trying to remember who came to the ceremony and the reception, and who just came to the reception, and who gave you a gift (and what it was) are the first hurdles to overcome (look on it as the first challenge of married life) and then when you've sorted that out, you need to communicate your gratitude. Help!

It's OK, you're not alone. Because our friends at Tree of Hearts, who make stunning wedding stationery with everything from save the date cards to wedding invitations to thank you cards at their studios in Shropshire have got your back. Their range of fabulous thank you cards make it easy to pick just the right 'look' for you, and you can either create a personalised message right there and then, or you can ask for them to be left blank, so you can hand-write them. What's more, they've come up with a few excellent pointers on how to make your gratitude go further. After all, in this era of virtualness a little personalisation goes a long way. Auntie Mabel is about to feel pretty cherished and special (whoever she is!)

With guests travelling from far and wide, bestowing wonderful gifts and generally helping to make your day full of fun and laughter, how do you begin to say a great big thank you? It's actually quite simple: keep it intimate, personal (and handwritten if you can). Let your guest know how much their sharing your day with you and their choice of gift means to you.

Thank them for being part of your day

Your day will have been a celebration shared with the people you cherish the most and that’s always lovely for your guests to hear! Saying ‘we were so happy you were there’, or referencing how thankful you were to have your closest friends and family in attendance gives your thank you cards that exclusive feel (even if you have hundreds to send out). If you can, we’d also recommend having separate friend and family cards to make them even more personal.

You want your guests to feel as special as they made you feel on your day – after all, not just anyone was invited!

Say thank you to guests who’ve travelled

From guests who’ve travelled from the next town to those who’ve flown in from down under, acknowledging that they made the trip is always appreciated. Particularly so if you got married in a remote Scottish castle or on an exotic island in the Caribbean! Simply saying ‘we couldn’t be happier that so many special people joined us; thank you for making the journey and sharing our day with us’ is a one-size-fits-all way of thanking your guests.

Tell your guests what their gift meant to you

With honeymoon and home furnishing gift lists especially popular, you could reference the experiences you had and what their gifts will mean to you as you start your life together. Saying you made your first triple-layer chocolate gateau with their gifted food mixer, or that you had a wonderful time in Las Vegas (or Shrimpton-on-Sea) and took a helicopter over the Grand Canyon (or tucked into a plate of candlelit cod), is much more emotive than simply ‘thank you for your kind gift’. Just keep it short and sweet. The Heart Travel Destination Thank You Card, which can be personalised, is the perfect way to thank guests who’ve helped make a trip of a lifetime a reality.

Share photos, blog or even social links

Linking to your photographer’s site is a great way to keep that exclusive feel going. But simply sharing a Dropbox link to a few select photos or pointing your guests to Instagram is still a cost-effective and thoughtful way to include them. You might have had to cut the moment when the bridesmaid’s dress got caught in the wind, but a simple ‘sadly we can’t share them all as there are so many wonderful scenes’ will avoid offending guests who may not feature. A group opening photo is recommended, as it’ll ensure that every smile gets to be included.

Our ‘add your own photo’ Personalised Wedding Thank You Cards wedding cards are also a wonderful way to share a single pic or a montage of photos.

And finally...

We hope this blog on what to say in a wedding thank you card was helpful. For more tips, visit our blog or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For more ways to celebrate your day, why not shop our personalised wedding collections?

12 October 2021

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