National Handwriting Day
It may be a little ironic that I'm sitting here typing away on my PC about National Handwriting Day, a day - which as the name suggests - is about recognising the importance of the handwritten word. The handwritten word, not the digital word. But such is the modern world; you wouldn't be able to read this now if I had handwritten it in my notebook (unless I hopped back to the '90s to find my old scanner). Nevertheless, however I write this, I LOVE the handwritten word. I work for one of the best pen shops on the planet, so of course I do! There is just something about holding one of my favourite pens (note the plural - I couldn't possibly choose just one); the satisfaction a good pen brings; and even better when that pen actually improves my handwriting.
So when is National Handwriting Day? It's 23rd January, a great time of year to come up with some new goals. If you are making some, why not hand write them? It's not too late to start your 2025 diary or journal either, another great way of incorporating pen and paper into your daily routine and getting some handwriting practice in. You can also add a little flair to your handwriting with calligraphy. It can sound a little daunting but mastering the 'art of beautiful writing' really just takes practice (and the right pen of course). You can transform your diary entries and everyday notes, quite literally with the flick of a pen, but also going further you can create beautiful bespoke cards for your friends and family and you can go on even further to sell your work for weddings and other events.
Personally, I'd like to see more hand written letters. I remember the last time I received a hand written letter - it must've been 20 odd years ago now. A friend of mine was in South Africa for a few months and wrote to me near the end of her time there telling me all about it, with little illustrations here and there. I still have that letter now and recall the thrill of receiving my own letter in the post as a teenager - my own first bit of post that was actually exciting, not just another exam date or result. Another letter we have as a keepsake was received by my husband from his grandfather just before he passed, and is still one of our most treasured items at home.
So, whether you use a pen and paper daily already, or whether you can't remember the last time you put pen to paper, I hope this inspires you to get writing. Whether writing up your to-do list by hand instead of on your phone, or you go the whole hog and give calligraphy a go, have fun and happy writing!
I have been a letter writer for over forty years, and the handwritten replies began to die off with the popularity of email.
The most egregious thing I ever received was an ‘e-card’ for a birthday.
For the last twenty or so years, mainly to use up my stocks of stationery, I began sending ‘Thank you’ cards and appreciation cards to people and businesses that give me a memorable service.
On several occasions I have returned to a venue to see my notes and letters framed on the wall.
I once wrote to my favourite author, JP Donleavy and got an invite to visit him at his home in Mullingar, to have my hard-backed books signed. One of my life highlights.
Having read this article a couple of days ago, and mid another clear up, I sorted, filled and gifted five old, long unused Jinhao fountain pens, all to children and told them to write to their grand-parents, cousins and anyone else that doesn’t live in town. Let’s see how that goes. But at £1.26 for a first class stamp, that rarely arrives the next day any more, is a great cause of the decline. That is around a 500% increase in the last twelve years.
I recently got back in to hand writing letters. My elderly mother is getting hard of hearing so using the telephone is a bit of a struggle. But, she can read our news with the letters I send.