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Cherie Did This

Cherie Did This - Collage of workCherie Jerrard - illustrator, fashion designer, dance instructor - is a very colourful (and very clever) person! She's designed our Penorama banner and has experimented with Rohrer & Klinger inks for us, as well as Kaweco's AL Special dip pen. We took the liberty of interviewing her via the wonders of modern technology, and here are the results...

CP: Tell us a bit more about yourself.
CJ: I worked as a fashion illustrator / designer for high street brands before retraining in illustration at Manchester School of Art. I’m a bit of a chameleon, always working on different projects and ideas; the fashion designer in me loves to jump onto new trends.

CP: How would you describe your work?
CJ: Slightly unfinished … I try to stop before all the gaps are filled in.

CP: What got you into drawing?
CJ: Friends at school always wanted me to do their art homework and I liked their faith in me. It was the one thing I knew I shone at.

CP: If you weren’t an artist, what was the back-up plan?
CJ: Fashion designer. My careers adviser at school said that would be a better option for work so I followed that path for a while. I also work part time as a dance instructor so to be honest I have a fall back plan already in motion… I think it’s essential in an uncertain world.

CP: What are your favourite subjects/topics to draw? Where do you get your ideas or inspiration from?
CJ: People. When I’m stuck I look around and observe, sketch what I see then ideas slowly bubble up. Before the pandemic I was well known for life sketching… especially people in cafes and coffee houses. More recently I’m pulled by colour. The colourful inks from Rohrer & Klinger just had to be drawn!

CP: What are you currently working on?
CJ: Currently I’m working on the ‘Cherie did this’ range for winter including some gorgeous Risograph prints. I’m so excited to start unveiling the new products. I’m also hosting an event called DRAWN in my hometown of Shrewsbury, which will be uniting the amazing illustrators we have here in this county for a Christmas Market. Shoppers get to meet the artists and buy from them direct. It’s a great community and we have a few famous names in the mix.

CP: How long does it normally take to complete a project?
CJ: When I first started working in the fashion industry I was asked to do an illustration for Tommy Hilfiger. I was so determined it was going to be amazing that I gave it my full attention and went into so much detail. This was a BIG lesson: I overworked it and it looked flat and uninspiring. Now I try to keep things light, fast moving and playful.

CP: What are your top 5 pens/pencils?

  1. LAMY have supported me since I started using their pens during my MA - all are ideal for sketching. The vista with a converter is great for seeing the ink inside.
  2. Kuretake - I am in LOVE with the Bimoji fine nib and my desk drawers are like a graveyard for these pens … I can’t let them go even when they’ve run out.
  3. Kaweco dip pen from Cult Pens. OMG this is a game changer for me (I want to learn more about the nibs and caring for this pen)
  4. Blackwing pencils - once you’ve tried them it’s hard to go back to standard pencils. The colours of the erasers are so enticing!
  5. POSCA - I’m also a fan of street art and these are my go to.

On my Christmas list is a Flexi nib Fountain Pen and the Diamine Inky Calendar!

CP: What pen or pencil couldn’t you live without?
CJ: It’s between the Kuretake or a LAMY abc … Probably the LAMY because I can add water to the ink for shadows.

CP: Do you know when a work is finished or are you constantly tweaking?
CJ: The voice in my head is always telling me to step away. You can add but you can’t take away.

Cherie Did This LogoCP: What work are you most proud of?
CJ: I’m most proud of the Soho Coffee illustrations because they reflect that moment in time before the pandemic when people were at ease in each other's company. Being a finalist in the Moleskine reportage awards comes close but I have to add the moment I saw my range of clothes (with illustrations on them) hanging above the escalator in Top Shop Oxford Circus with writing in lights ‘Best Seller’. So happy in that moment.

CP: What tips do you have for aspiring artists/designers?
CJ: Have fun with it. When you’re enjoying yourself your work will sing along with you.

Instagram: @cheriedidthis
Facebook: Cherie Did This
Website: Cherie Did This

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