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Why should I use a mechanical pencil?
Wooden pencils have plenty of advantages, so we're certainly not opposed to using them, but there are some advantages to mechanical pencils that make them so popular.
Do I need to buy lead of the same brand as my pencil?
No, any lead of the same size should work just fine. It does have to be the right size - a 0.5mm pencil won’t work with 0.7mm lead, for example.
Which lead width should I use?
If you already have the pencil, you need the right size for it, which should be marked on it.
If you’re trying to choose a pencil, and you’re not sure what width to go for, it depends on your use. 0.5mm is the most popular for most things, but it does break fairly easily, especially if you’re a bit heavy-handed. 0.7mm is very popular for writing, because it’s a bit stronger. 0.9mm or wider can be good too, if you’re less concerned with a fine line, and want it to be a bit stronger.
Very fine leads like 0.3mm usually need a bit of care in use - such thin leads can snap easily if you’re not gentle with them. They’re great for fine drawing or small writing, though, and many people love them. There are even 0.2mm leads now, but they’re usually only available for specially designed pencils that can protect the lead in use, like the Pentel Orenz and Orenznero.
How do I clear a lead jam?
The little eraser is used up, can I replace it?
Usually, yes. Find your pencil, then see the ‘Refills & Spares’ section under it. Most of the big brands offer spare erasers, it’s just that most shops don’t sell them - but we’re not most shops!